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Event: London Forum

Date: Friday 8th November
Venue: Mary Ward House Conference and Exhibition Centre, 5-7 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9SN
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Event: Leeds Forum

Date: Friday 22nd November
Venue: The Queens Hotel, City Square, Leeds, LS1 1PJ
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Where Welfare Call clients discover and discuss ideas that help transform the ways in which vulnerable children are monitored.

Welfare Call’s invitation-only client conference will bring together representatives from Local Authorities ranging from Virtual School head teachers to data managers, education consultants and performance managers. Thought-provoking presentations and discussions will entertain, enlighten and improve your understanding of Welfare Call’s software and services.
The day will provide valuable networking opportunities, insights from industry thought leaders about the future of Virtual Schools and interactive workshops which will help demonstrate how Welfare Call and its technology are evolving to meet this changing landscape.


Judy Sebba OBE

Judy Sebba OBE

Judy Sebba is a Professor at the Rees Research Centre at the University of Oxford, Department of Education.

Research on education of children in care includes the follow-up of our previous Nuffield Foundation-funded Educational progress of children in care (led by Prof David Berridge, University of Bristol and Dr Nikki Luke of University of Oxford) and a large-scale randomised control trial of paired reading with foster carers (in collaboration with Queens University, Belfast). Funded by the Alex Timpson Trust, the Centre is also evaluating Attachment and Trauma training in schools across England. Dr Eran Melkman recently completed research on the exclusion from school of looked-after children in which Judy collaborated. Judy was awarded an OBE in 2018. More details can be found at:

Andrew Baxter

Andrew Baxter, Department for Education


  08:30 -> 09:15 Registration and Refreshments  
  09:15 -> 09:30 Welcome and Overview of the day  
  09:30 -> 10:15 Welfare Call : The journey ahead 2019-20  
  10:15 -> 11.15 External Speaker Platform  
  11:15 -> 11:30 Networking and Refreshments  
  11:30 -> 12:30 Elective Stream 1  
  12:30 -> 13:30 Lunch and Networking  
  13:30 -> 14:30 External Speaker Platform  
  14:30 -> 15:30 Elective Stream 2 (Repeats of stream 1)  
  15:30 -> 16:00 Networking and Refreshments  
  16:00 -> 16:30 Closing Remarks and Q&A  
  16:30 -> Event Closes  



The same content will be covered in the AM and PM sessions (except for the analytics workshops)

1. Title: Learning lessons from the PEP – next steps to developing a Multiplan platform

Presenters: Andy Kerr, Rachael Mellor & Charley Evans
Synopsis: In this workshop information will be shared regarding developments made in the past 12 months and the plans going forward. Including:

  • Multiplan concept and how it will work
  • Sharing data between child Plans
  • What we can get out of the PEP and what it is telling us all.

2a. Title: Analytics (AM session): An insight into Data Analytics

Presenters: Matthew Mann & James Tame
Synopsis: For those Virtual Schools who haven’t yet seen Welfare Call’s analytics product this workshop will provide an opportunity to look at the key strengths, benefits, functionality and features of the system. The demonstration will showcase the current dashboards which are available covering areas such as exclusions, attendance, attainment and PEPs whilst also highlighting how to drill down into specific child level information. We will also be covering what’s to come with Analytics as we go through the road map for the next 12 months.

2b. Title: Analytics (PM session): Dashboard Design – In Principle and Practice

Presenters: Andrew Henderson & Jamie Brown
Synopsis: This workshop will introduce existing Analytics customers to the principles of good dashboard design i.e. turning complex, evolving data into simple visualisations that express the meaning of information in a coherent story, with details revealed as required.
The second half of the workshop will put these principles into practice as attendees will be tasked with creating mock-ups of dashboards around 4 key topic areas determining which data is to be included, and how this can be best visualised. One of these mock-ups will then be selected for development and turned into a live Master Dashboard for all Analytics customers.
Key Topic Areas:

  • Post 16
  • Other Local Authority Children (O.L.A)
  • Statistical Neighbours
  • DfE Outcomes for Children Looked After

3. Title: Improving Virtual School Outcomes using the 3Rs Performance Model (Reach, Results & Resources)

Presenter: Jes East
Synopsis: In this workshop, we will explore a simple but powerful model for understanding and monitoring the performance of any organisation, but particularly those like Virtual Schools that are heavily dependent on the performance of external agencies for their own outcomes. Please bring with you all the different metrics that you are currently measured by. We will map these against the model, identify the elements you have more or less control over, and then look at filling the gaps in the monitoring data you are currently being asked to provide. In addition to using it himself in management roles, Jes has taught this model to hundreds of team managers, performance managers and practitioners in early intervention, social care, youth justice and leaving care settings. The model is also being used to underpin the design of our reporting and Analytics software.

4. Title: Shaping the future of Welfare Call

Presenters:Kay Reynolds and Rebecca Fevers
Synopsis: This workshop will demonstrate how Welfare Call has re-shaped its internal database architecture to enable more structured data outputs whilst also improving internal processes e.g. the capture, structure and reporting of exclusion episodes. The workshop will also act as a platform whereby you as the customer can help shape the future of Welfare Call’s reports and its extranet system through user stories. Key areas for discussion will be:

  • The new internal system and how this improves efficiency
  • Incorporation of Analytics for internal use
  • Standardisation of data
  • Future development of the Extranet/reports

Please note

Space for the workshops is limited. Numbers for each workshop will be decided based on demand and available capacity in the rooms in each venue. Spaces will be allocated based on booking date. We may additionally need to limit the number of attendees from the same authority in each workshop to ensure that all authorities can benefit.



Please complete one form per attendee.

To ensure all clients get a chance to benefit from attending our 2019 Forum we are initially limiting places to 4 per authority. If you would like more of your team to attend please indicate this at the bottom of the form. If you do this we will contact you closer to the date should spaces become available.

    Welfare Call will not sell on your details and will only use the information you provide in the form above in relation to its events. Full terms and conditions and Privacy Statements can be found in the footer of this web page.